Keynote Address by H.E. Park Geun-hye President of the Republic of Korea
Japan's recently-passed defense and security legislation should be implemented transparently and in a way that is conducive to friendly relations among regional countries and to peace and stability in the region.
The most compelling reason is the fact that only a few of the victims of brutal sexual violence during World War II are still alive today.
Solutions that can bring healing to their hearts need to be devised quickly, while these victims are still alive. The efforts of the UN High Commissioners of Human Rights and Special Rapporteurson this issue must not be allowed to come to naught.
There is no path to unlocking the future, if the past is not acknowledged.
この部分の冒頭は"Last year, at this very podium, I stressed that sexual violence against women during armed conflicts, whenever or wherever it may have taken place, is unquestionably a violation of human rights and humanism."で始まっており、戦争の悲惨さ、平和、人権等を訴える国連総会の一般討論演説において述べられて当然の内容だと私は思います。朴大統領の演説である「歴史が認識されないことは、未来を開く鍵を持たないことである。」は正しいことであり、その通りである。これを批判することは正しくないと考えます。
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