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2022年10月20日 (木)


日露戦争に関しての前回のブログ の「背景その2 朝鮮半島」の中で、日米和親条約、日米修好通商条約他1854年(安政元年)から1876年(明治9年)の間に日本が締結した22の条約を列記した。 この22の条約の中で、次の5つの条約が安政5か国条約と呼ばれ、不平等条約と言われることが多い。本当にそうであるのか、条約文を読んで、考えてみたい。

1) 安政5か国条約


米国 1858年7月29日 日本国米利堅合衆国修好通商条約
ロシア 1858年8月7日 日本国露西亜国修好通商条約
オランダ 1858年8月18日 日本和蘭修好通商条約
大英帝国 1858年8月26日 日本国大不列顛国修好通商条約
フランス 1858年10月9日 日本国仏蘭西国修好通商条約

安政5か国条約は全て1858年である。ペリーがフィルモア大統領(Millard Fillmore)の国書を持参して浦賀へ来航したのが、この5年前の1953年である。翌年1954年1月にペリーは再来航し、3月に日米和親条約(神奈川条約)の締結となった。しかし、大統領国書にあった友好、石炭と必需品の供給、遭難者の保護は、日米和親条約で取り決められたが、貿易については触れられていなかった。貿易に関する条約締結には修好通商条約(安政5か国条約)まで、更に4年を要したのである。

2) 日米和親条約締結・日米修好通商条約への道のり





3) 日米修好通商条約での領事裁判権




Americans, committing offenses against Japanese, shall be tried in American consular courts, and when found guilty shall be punished according to American law.
Japanese, committing offenses against Americans, shall be tried by the Japanese authorities, and punished according to Japanese law.
The consular courts shall be open to Japanese creditors, to enable them, to recover their just claims against American citizens, and the Japanese courts shall in like manner be open, to American citizens for the recovery of their just claims against Japanese.
All claims for forfeitures or penalties for violations of this treaty or of the articles, regulating trade, which are appended hereunto, shall be sued for in the consular courts, and all recoveries shall be delivered to the Japanese authorities.
Neither the Americans or Japanese governments are to be held responsible for the payment of any debts, contracted by their respective citizens or subjects.




領事裁判権が永遠に続くわけではないと考えるし、特別規定はいずれ消滅するはずである。日米地位協定に於いては「合衆国の軍当局が、合衆国軍隊の構成員又は軍属に対して、公務執行中の作為又は不作為から生ずる罪については、 裁判権を行使する第一次の権利を有する。」としている。


4) 興味ある条文

4-1) 大麻輸入禁止


 The importation of opium is prohibited, and any American vessel coming to Japan, for the purposes of trade, having more than (3) three catties [三斤](four pounds avoirdupois){1.8kgに相当する}weight of opium on board, such surplus quantity shall be seized and destroyed by the Japanese authorities.

4-2) 金貨・銀貨は重量を基準とする


 All foreign coin shall be current in Japan, and pass for its corresponding weight of Japanese coin of the same description.
Americans and Japanese may freely use foreign coins in making payments to each other.
Coins of all descriptions (with the exception of Japanese copper coin) may be exported from Japan, and foreign gold and silver uncoined.

4-3) 信仰・宗教の自由


 Americans in Japan shall be allowed the free exercise of their religion, and for this purpose shall have the right, to erect suitable places of worship. No injury shall be done to such buildings, nor any insult be offered to the religious worship of the Americans.
American citizens shall not injure any Japanese temple or mia, or offer any insult or injury to Japanese religious ceremonies, or to the objects of their worship.
The Americans and Japanese shall not do anything, that may be calculated to excite religious animosity. The government of Japan has already abolished the practice of trampling on religious emblems.

この第8条を読むと、当時の幕府のトップの人達は宗教の自由という概念の重要性に気づいていたように感じる。踏み絵のことを英語で”trampling on religious emblems ”と呼ぶのは、初めて知りました。

4-4) 軍艦・大砲・武器類の購入権


 The Japanese government may purchase or construct in the United States, ships of war, steamers, merchant ships, cannon, munitions of war, and arms of all kinds, and any other things it may require. It shall have the right to engage in the United States, scientific, naval and military men, artisans of all kinds, and mariners to enter into its service. All purchases made for the government of Japan, may be exported from the United States, and all persons engaged for its service may freely depart from the United States, Provided.- That no articles that are contraband of war shall be exported, nor any persons engaged to act in a naval or military capacity, while Japan shall be at war with any power in amity with the United States.



 Munitions of war shall only be sold to the Japanese government and foreigners.
No rice or wheat shall be exported from Japan as cargo, but all Americans resident in Japan, and ships for their crews and passengers, shall be furnished with sufficient supplies of the same.

5) 関税


 Duties shall be paid to the government of Japan, on all goods landed in the country, and on all articles of Japanese production, that are exported as cargo, according to the tariff hereunto appended.


(1) 免税: 金貨・銀貨、地金、居留者の衣服、家具、書籍、その他居住必要品
(2)  5%: 船舶建造・修理用品、捕鯨用品、塩蔵食料、パン、鳥獣類、石炭、木材、米、トタン、鉛、錫、生絹、蒸気機械
(3)  35%: 酒類
(4) 20%: (1)から(3)に含まれないその他の品目




6) 1866年改税約書

1866年6月25日に改税約書(英文名:Tariff Convention)が日本と英・仏・米・蘭の4カ国との間で調印された。この改税約書の合意こそ不平等な条件で幕府は締結させられたと言える。

6-1) 改税約書の関税率




安政5カ国条約と改税約書の関税率を比較すると、分類の差もあり、計量単位基準もあるので、比較は容易ではない。しかし、第4種のその他のカテゴリーで20%の税率が5%に下がっており、概ね、関税率は4分の1に下がったと言えるのではと思う。国内産業の保護や政府財政収入の面では、低すぎる輸入関税率は好ましくない。関税率が貿易協定での取り決めである場合、改定には相手国 との交渉が必要である。5%の輸入関税率は低すぎると思えるが、そうならば、関税自主権の喪失は、安政5カ国条約よりも、改税約書でこそ関税自主権の喪失と言える。


6-2) 改税約書締結の理由


The representatives of Great Britain, France the United States of America and Hollande, ------
 And the Japanese Government having given the said Representatives, during their visit to Osaka in November 1865, a written engagement to proceed immediately to the Revision of Tariff in question, on the general basis of a duty of five per cent on the value of all articles Imported or Exported;


6-3) 下関取り決め書(Shimonoseki Convention)


その結果結ばれたのが、1864年10月22日の下関取り決め書(Shimonoseki Convention)であり、条約文は次の様になっている。


The representatives of Great Britain, France, the United States, and the Netherlands, in view of the hostile acts of Mori Daizen, Prince of Nagato and Suwo, which were assuming such formidable proportions as to make it difficult for the Tycoon faithfully to observe the Treaties, having been obliged to send their combined forces to the straits of Shimonoseki, in order to destroy the batteries erected by that Daimio for the destruction of foreign vessels and stoppage of trade; and the Government of Tycoon, on whom devolved the duty of chastising
This rebellious Prince, being held responsible for any damage resulting to the interests of Treaty Powers, as well as the expenses occasioned by the expedition.
The Undersigned Representatives of Treaty Powers, and Sakai Hida no Kami, a member of the Second Council, invested with plenipotentiary powers by Tycoon of Japan, animated with the desire to put an end to all reclamations concerning the acts of aggression and hostility committed by the said Mori Daizen, since the first of these acts, in June 1863, against the flags of divers Treaty Powers, and at the same time to regulate definitively the question of indemnities of war, of whatever kind; in respect to the allied expedition to Shimonoseki, have agreed and determined upon the four Articles following: -

The amount payable to the four Powers is fixed at 3,000,000 dollars. This sum to include all claims, of whatever nature, for past aggressions on the part of the Prince of Nagato, whether indemnities, ransom for Shimonoseki, or expenses entailed by the operations of the allied squadrons.


The whole sum to be payable quarterly in installments of one-sixth, or 500,000 dollars, to begin from the date when the Representatives of said Powers shall make known to the Tycoon’s Government the ratification of this Convention and the instructions of their respective Governments.


Inasmuch as the receipt of money has never been object of the said Powers, but the establishment of better relations with Japan, and the desire to place these on a more satisfactory and mutually advantageous footing is still the leading object in view, therefore, if His Majesty the Tycoon wishes to offer in lieu of payment of the sum claimed, and as a material compensation for loss and injury sustained, the opening of Shimonoseki, or some other eligible port in the Inland Sea, it shall be at the option of the said foreign Governments to accept the same, or insist on the payment of the indemnity in money under the conditions above stipulated.

(注) 米国は、1883年に受領した賠償金785,000ドルを返還したと脚注がある。




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